Win 10 scanner software
Win 10 scanner software

  • Install the soft­ware and let it install the drivers for the scanner.
  • Vues­can provide old cop­ies so this can be down­loaded directly
  • I found and used a ver­sion of vues­can with the file­name vue圆490.exe with a digit­al sig­na­ture date of “‎15 ‎Octo­ber ‎2011 13:41:21”.
  • You should then be able to scan via TWAIN in any applic­a­tion that sup­ports it.
  • You may need to enable com­pat­ib­il­ity mode
  • Extract the files and install the soft­ware.
  • Down­load Can­on­Scan Tool­box from Can­on or from our down­loads page.
  • There will be a couple of warn­ings that you need to con­firm you want to go ahead.
  • Select the only device that appears in the list and click next.
  • Browse to the loc­a­tion where the driver is located.
  • Select “Let me pick from a list of avail­able drivers on my computer”.
  • Select “browse my com­puter for drivers”.
  • Double click to open the device and then in the new win­dow that opens click on the “driver” tab.
  • Expand either “ima­ging devices” or “unknown devices” to loc­ate the scanner.
  • win 10 scanner software

    select “device man­ager” at top top left.Right click on “this pc” and select properties.Down­load the cus­tom­ised driver cour­tesy of web­whitenoise or from our down­loads page, and extract it.Install the canon driver via device manager When the PC restarts select the option to dis­able device driver sign­ing enforce­ment (option 7).In the new inter­face that appears select “troubleshoot”.Under “advanced star­tup” select “restart”.The older vues­can driver works with this but like the mod­i­fied Can­on driver, device driver sign­ing veri­fic­a­tion needs to be dis­abled tem­por­ar­ily to install it. New­er ver­sions of Vues­can (when paid for) will work, but Vues­can has it’s own app which does­n’t work well for scan­ning slides, so I wanted to use the Nikon soft­ware dir­ectly. The Nikon scan­ner does­n’t have a modi­fi­able driver but I was able to get it work­ing with an old ver­sion of Ham­rick Vues­can which installs a driver which works with the Nikon scan­ning soft­ware.

    win 10 scanner software win 10 scanner software

    See below for pre­cise step by step instructions. There is a mod­i­fied driver for the Can­on which worked with win­dows 7 and the same driver can be installed on win­dows 10 via the “have disk” meth­od in device man­ager, as long as device driv­ing sign­ing is tem­por­ar­ily dis­abled first. The 2 scan­ners in ques­tion in my case are a Nikon slide scan­ner (CoolS­can IV ED) and a Can­on Lide 50 flat­bed scan­ner.

    Win 10 scanner software