Vc redist x64
Vc redist x64

vc redist x64

In versions of Visual Studio since 2017, these files are named vc_, vc_redist.圆4.exe, and vc_. To deploy redistributable files, you can use the redistributable packages installed by Visual Studio. To view the "REDIST list" that's referenced in the "Distributable Code" section of the Visual Studio 2015 Microsoft Software License Terms, see Distributable Code Files for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.įor more information about redistributable files, see Determining which DLLs to redistribute and Deployment examples. To view the "REDIST list" that's referenced in the "Distributable Code" section of the Visual Studio 2017 Microsoft Software License Terms, see Distributable Code Files for Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. To view the "REDIST list" that's referenced in the "Distributable Code" section of the Visual Studio 2019 Microsoft Software License Terms, see Distributable Code Files for Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 To view the "REDIST list" that's referenced in the "Distributable Code" section of the Visual Studio 2022 Microsoft Software License Terms, see Distributable code files for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Or, download the relevant EULAs and licenses from the Visual Studio License Directory. Use the License terms link in the About Microsoft Visual Studio dialog box. You'll find a link to the Visual Studio license terms in the IDE.

vc redist x64

If any of these files are provided by Microsoft, check whether you're permitted to redistribute them. When you deploy an application, you must also deploy the files that are required to support it. Are you here because you're looking for a download of one of the Visual C++ Runtime files? Go to the Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads page.

Vc redist x64